Building an Electric Bike in My Bedroom - #3 Suspensions|Wheels|Saddle

Building an Electric Bike in My Bedroom - #3 Suspensions|Wheels|Saddle Episode #2 Star Nut installation ---
Episode #4 Pas, Controller, crankset, etc --- [Coming soon]
Full playlist:

Disclaimer: This is not intended as a video tutorial on how to properly build an Enduro electric bike. It's about how I build it from the tools available in my home.
The techniques used may not be the best. I am not responsible for any damage that may result from using my methods!

End title music:
Music Credit: OurMusicBox (Jay Man)
Track Name: "Fast Action"
Music By: Jay Man @

Backround music:
Music provided by HearWeGo
Artist: Liam Thomas
Title: No Time
Listen on YouTube:


Enduro,e-bike,building it,brook b17,saddle,electric,wheels,motor,handlebar,truativ,stem,
