It turns out Resistance truly is Futile

It turns out Resistance truly is Futile It turns out Resistance truly is Futile (Link to relevant articles below)

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To those who comment on my videos...
If you want to talk, then let's do it in a proper format at a particular time. If I answered, replied to, and debated every person who comments on my videos, I would not have any kind of life outside doing that. Feel free to reach out to me on any of my social media pages (links are in the description section of all my videos).

Canadian Libertarian,CanadianLibertarian,Canadian,Libertarian,Libertarians,Canada,Manitoba,Winnipeg,Indigenous man,court,banned,ASIMIL8,licence plate,Judge,ruled,Troller,NDN CAR,personalized,Resistance,Futile,Borg,Star Trek,Public Insurance,complaint,Queen’s Bench Justice Sheldon Lanchberry,Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms,freedom of expression,speech,photo,Facebook,constitutional right,government property,assimilate,GRABHER,Dave Assman,
