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By the time you hear the scurrying claws of the Deinonychus, it's often too late. Superior hunters, they leap from a hiding place and pounce on their prey. The Deinonychus is an agile climber as well, jumping from wall ledge to wall ledge as it seeks high vantage points to lie in wait.
A hungry Deinonychus tends to be fearless and will hunt prey much larger than itself, latching onto a dinosaur's back with its sickle-shaped claws, then starting to feed before its victim is even dead. While it likes its meat fresh, a Deinonychus isn't above scavenging a carcass if no other food is available.
Raising a Deinonychus in captivity requires an ample food supply, as they have a fast metabolism to match their high activity level. The Deinonychus is also fiercely territorial near nests with eggs, even if the eggs aren't its own. This makes breeding successive generations a hazardous process.
Unless raised from eggs, they cannot be tamed; the hunter instinct of a wild Deinonychus is so strong that it reflexively pounces on a would-be master.
The best way to take down a Deinonychus is to use a long ranged weapon such as a crossbow or rifle. If you bring a large mount, beware that they can latch onto it, therefore using large creatures such as Brontos, Rexes, Spinos, or Mammoths, is a weakness. If you don’t have a ranged weapon and they latch on to your mount, you’ll need to either use a melee weapon in which case, you need to be careful because you can hurt your tame, or you can wait for the Deinonychus to run out of stamina which is not the best idea. If you are stealing eggs, then you definitely need to be prepared with a good mount because there is most likely going to be a pack of Deinonychus. It’s suggested to use a flyer so you’ll be safe. Make sure to steal the egg and then QUICKLY escape because the Deinonychus can pounce on you which can pose a great threat as it gives time for the rest of the pack to arrive.
It is able to latch onto large creature such as a Rex.png Rex or Brontosaurus.png Brontosaurus, making them hard to hit via conventional means. To make it even more dangerous, they are able to glide upwards to latch onto a nearby ledge similar to the Rock Drake.png Rock Drake, and pounce and attack much like the Raptor.png Raptor (It can't dismount you though). They also cause a bleed effect that stacks and makes them even more dangerous.
It is able to latch onto large creature such as a Rex.png Rex or Brontosaurus.png Brontosaurus, making them hard to hit via conventional means. To make it even more dangerous, they are able to glide upwards to latch onto a nearby ledge similar to the Rock Drake.png Rock Drake, and pounce and attack much like the Raptor.png Raptor (It can't dismount you though). They also cause a bleed effect that stacks and makes them even more dangerous.
While latched onto a large Creature, it can mostly only attack the said creature until it releases itself out, making it extremely vulnerable to any attacks from other Creatures or ranged weapons.
The Deinonychus is weak on knockbacks like raptors. Using a Trike with a decent amount of HP can easilly kill a pack or two at once. While latched they can still get hit by attacks from to one they are riding
A wild Deinonychus cannot be tamed due to its wild nature of killing survivors through its natural instinct. Similar to the Wyvern.png Wyvern and Rock Drake.png Rock Drake, a fertilized Dinosaur Egg.png Deinonychus Egg must be stolen from a nest or bred, and hatched to obtain a tamed Deinonychus.
The incubation temperature is between 75 and 80 degrees fahrenheit , or 24 to 26 degrees celsius.
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